Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Final Blog Entry

This is the final week of the semester for me here at Digital Bridges. The teacher evaluations went very well. Each teacher seemed very pleased about his or her project and how each looked. I also provided each teacher with a copy of his or her lesson on a flash drive for them to keep which made them all very excited. I gave the teachers the cheat sheet to use which is laminated for long-term use. On Thursday of this week, the middle school teachers are hosting an event with their Smartboard lessons, so I will be attending to see how their presentations go and to take photos. I am nervous and excited for them. At work, I attended the usual staff meeting, evaluated and assisted while Tommy taught the computer basics class at the library, opened the center on Wednesday, and typed up all of my final reports to be turned in at the end of this week. I also taught a Microsoft Word class on Wednesday evening to some students. This was a great way to end the semester here at Digital Bridges, and I am excited to come back and start again in the fall.

(10 hours)